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작성자 국제팀 조회수 2240 작성일 2023-08-04 오후 5:21:00

[IBA Report] Best Governance Practices for Cybersecurity Protection for Senior Managers and Boards of Directors

This guide presents insights and actionable steps for senior managers and boards of directors to protect their organizations against cyber-attacks. The report, titled "Global perspectives on protecting against cyber risks: best governance practices for senior executives and boards of directors," is a first-of-its-kind global perspective on key governance practices. It draws from ten jurisdictions and offers comparative analysis with international case studies.

1. Understanding the Cyber Risk Profile:
- Companies must thoroughly understand their organization's cyber risk profile.
- Identify potential vulnerabilities and weaknesses that cyber attackers could exploit.
- Regularly assess and update the cyber risk profile to stay proactive in mitigating threats.

2. Cybersecurity Expertise:
- Ensure the board and management have sufficient cybersecurity expertise.
- Appoint or engage cybersecurity experts to advise on best practices and risk management.
- Stay updated with the latest trends and developments in cybersecurity.

3. Reporting Lines for Cyber Risks:
- Establish appropriate reporting lines so that cyber risks are promptly raised to leadership.
- Encourage open communication between IT teams, security personnel, and management.
- Ensure that the board is kept informed of cybersecurity incidents and response measures.

4. Adequate Investment in Cybersecurity:
- Allocate sufficient funds to meet cybersecurity goals and enhance cyber resilience.
- Understand that investing in cybersecurity is an essential aspect of protecting the organization.
- Regularly review and update the budget based on the evolving threat landscape.

5. Cyber Incident Response Plans:
- Review, understand, and test the organization's cyber incident response plans.
- Regularly conduct mock drills to assess the effectiveness of the response plans.
- Make necessary adjustments to improve the organization's ability to handle cyber incidents.

6. Role of Senior Management:
- Senior management plays a crucial role in day-to-day operations and cybersecurity governance.
- They must map cybersecurity risks, identify high-priority concerns, and make informed decisions.
- Responsible for ensuring internal compliance and suggesting timely analysis/assessments and updates.

7. Bridging Knowledge Gaps:
- Set guidelines and standards beyond national legislation to bridge existing knowledge gaps.
- Acknowledge shared accountability between senior management and boards for cybersecurity.
- Promote cross-functional collaboration to enhance cybersecurity practices.

8. Top-Down Approach:
- Ensure the board has a thorough understanding of financial and legal risks related to cybersecurity.
- Emphasize a top-down approach to cybersecurity prioritization.
- Implement recent enacted legislation that holds boards accountable for cybersecurity oversight.

The new report expands upon the IBA Cybersecurity Guidelines (2018).



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International Conference on Arbitration 2023(2023. 9. 7. 쿠알라룸푸르)+