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작성자 국제팀 조회수 9154 작성일 2023-12-27 오후 3:49:00

[국제행사] The Borneo Rainforest Law Conference 2024


The Borneo Rainforest Law Conference 2024
(Hosted by the Commonwealth Lawyers Association and Sabah Law Society)

■ Date : 26th February - 28th February 2024
 Venue : Sabah International Convention Centre(Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia)

 About the Conference
Set against the spectacular backdrop of Malaysian Borneo, with a charismatic bend of both old and new, Kota Kinabalu will play host to legal practitioners from the region and beyond to debate issues of resonance in the profession, to network and share best practice and innovations with colleagues and experts in the field.

Join the co-hosts, the Commonwealth Lawyers Association and Sabah Law Society, for this prestigious three day international conference which will explore the theme of climate justice, human rights, funding, constitutionalism  and action within legal and government frameworks.

The conference will be hosted at the Sabah International Convention Centre, Kota Kinabalu, with delegates able to take advantage of a bespoke rate at the Hyatt Centric Hotel, which can be booked independently after registration.

 Registration Fee



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